11 October - 19 November 2022



Ft. Caroline List

Charlie Haydn Taylor

Harry Rudham



Alone | All One
Ironically, the origin of the word alone is from the Middle English all oon, meaning all one, contracted from the Old English eall ān, meaning entirely alone. As though a loop could be formed, from unison to separation, and back from separation to unison again. This exhibition invites viewers to explore the thin line that separates isolation from connectedness, both emotionally and physically, and how this oddity has been interpreted visually by four contemporary artists.

Behind the works

Caroline List’s inquiry into colour and illusory space generates rich conversations within her sculptures and paintings, that play with the push and pull of picture plane, form and ground. She creates often dichotomous compositions with surreal spatial visual horizons, where the shapes and colours utilised can be assembled and disassembled, as though singular entities were divided and multiplied to give birth to new ones.

Charlie Haydn Taylor's work evokes a sense of contemplation and seclusion, where the lines between the fiction and reality collide. His most recent body of work responds to the emotional weight of isolation that can occur when living in a major city, paradoxically surrounded by millions of others.

Harry Rüdham's oeuvre forms a stylised observation of contemporary life. His main source of inspiration in the relationship between the city and rest. The figures of people he has met are abstracted, dragged and dropped into chromatic paintings that suggest the chaotic nature of contemporary life that leaves no time for reflection, rest or recuperation.

PitCa's paintings shine a light on often overlooked issues that contemporary society, and the queer community in particular, faces every day. His themes of predilection include mental health awareness, the effects of toxic masculinity, and the behaviors observed on and provoked by the use of social media.



Any of the works speak to you?

Contact us for more information about the pieces and the artist.